Drone topography, allows you to collect data on large swaths of ground quickly and safely. The resulting 3D topographic maps and models provide solutions for engineering, architectural design, infrastructure, urban planning, and more.
Drones equipped with LiDAR scanners produce massive 3D point clouds that can be used to create AutoCAD contours or contour maps. These highly accurate pictures of ground characteristics can be used to predict water flow, identify populated or forested areas, see existing transportation infrastructure, measure slopes, or pinpoint peaks and valleys. Topographic maps have applications for innumerable projects across an array of professions.
3D Topographic Maps Enable Accurate Project Planning
Tools such as high-resolution aerial maps and bare earth models can be easily accessed by everyone associated with a project, making resource and logistical planning faster and more accurate. Darling Geomatics provides 3D topography services for:
Drones Changed 3D Topography
The adoption of drones, or UAVs, in 3D topography enabled the collection of massive amounts of data in a short amount of time. 3D topography allows us to obtain high resolution true color aerial photographs of an entire project area during a single flight.
With the introduction of drones, the time necessary for collecting data was reduced from weeks to days. In addition to being faster, drone surveying costs a fraction of manned aircraft surveys.
Our ground crews consist of FAA licensed UAV pilots who are registered surveyors with decades of experience. They complete surveys efficiently and quickly, staying safely earthbound and far from any hazards.
The data can be input and delivered in any CAD, non-CAD, 2D and/or 3D format your project requires. We are able to acquire latitude, longitude and elevation (x, y and z) data accurate to within +/- 6-7 cm (+/-2.5 in).
High Quality Maps Enable Accurate Project Planning
Tools such as high-resolution aerial maps and bare earth models can be easily accessed by everyone associated with a project, making resource and logistical planning faster and more accurate.