Experts in 3D Tunnel Scanning
For LiDAR tunnel scanning and underground surveying, Darling Geomatics offers global expertise in 3D tunnel scanning, delivering engineering grade scans and creating as-builts of service tunnels, underground utility corridors, shafts, and other infrastructure.
Facility managers, operations managers, and engineers rely on us for:
3D tunnel scanning is the ultimate reality capture tool to provide a precise digital twin of underground assets. We are recognized worldwide for our accurate and repeatable measurements in underground operations. Our precise georeferenced engineering grade 3D scans, including true color imaging options, are used for mapping, planning, clash detection and change detection of underground structures in energy, transportation, mining, government, and industrial sectors.
Safe and Professional Underground Surveying
Our team of professional, registered surveyors has decades of experience worldwide. With more than 20,000 hours of LiDAR expertise since 2003, we specialize in planning the best approach, using the right technology, providing accurate 3D scans, and delivering the data in the format you require for your project. Our methods are non-invasive and don’t put your people at risk.
Accurate Measurements
We apply the newest technologies in laser tunnel scanning, software, and image processing to produce accurate, repeatable measurement data for 2D and/or 3D digital maps and models.
Deliverables in Any Format
Our experts can deliver data in any CAD, non-CAD, 2D and/or 3D format you require: