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BIM and As-Built Experts


As-Built Experts

When existing blueprints aren’t meeting your needs, consider 3D Scanning as the ultimate measurement tool.

As-built models are becoming indispensable in the construction and manufacturing sectors. BIM is no longer just for construction verification. Thanks to AI, heavy-lift drones, more sophisticated scanning technology, and powerful software that can create an array of maps and models, as-builts have a place in every phase of a project from conception to demolition.

Smart building information models provide clear, comprehensive, and accurate data, so there’s no guesswork. A 3D as-built survey or digital twin by Darling Geomatics is the perfect solution when you need detailed 3D mapping of a building for renovations or Smart Building applications. Our state-of-the-art technology can save you both time and money as digital data transformation continues to make workflows more efficient.

BIMs Help Avoid Costly Surprises

Imagine spending the time and money in designing state of the art upgrades to your current facility only to find out on construction day that costly changes need to be made because clashes in plumbing, HVAC, and utility lines were not accounted for.

Engineering grade digital twins aided by A! and machine learning are a framework for Building Information Models, streamlining and optimizing design, construction, and day-to-day operation of the systems within the completed structure.

As-Built Verifications You Can Trust

Our as-built surveys use LiDAR scanning to create detailed maps and models of every relevant part of your project, allowing your entire team to have the same measurement data at the same time. Building surveying with 3D scanning become digital twins that revolutionize remodeling and expansion projects. These digital twins save you time and money, get you detailed as-built plans of older buildings, and help get your project off to a great start.

Darling’s scans and models are the starting point for as-built surveying and building information modeling (BIM) projects. In general, the savings realized by using 3D laser building surveying have been 3 to 10 times the cost of the 3D laser scanning service provided by Darling. Complex design and engineering changes to existing facilities are improved by BIM models. The time and money required to make on the fly design and constructing changes is greatly reduced if not eliminated- and that reduces overall costs so much so that the US federal government General Services Administration (GSA) requires BIM clash detection on all government construction projects. Clash detection makes it easier to deal with any future remodeling, expansions, and structural integrity analyses with a BIM model already in place.

3d scan of ASU stadium 3d scan of ASU Stadium 3d scan of a mechanical room 3d scan of a mechanical room
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