The Value of 3D Scanning
Large storage tanks at oil & gas refineries, airports, mines, farms and elsewhere need monitoring for deformation, settlement and other irregularities. Industrial companies today typically face a significant number of hurdles in obtaining the best data early enough to drain tanks when necessary for maintenance and repairs. 3D LiDAR scanning rapidly allows data capture from a safe distance. The 3D data is compared to perfect cylinders to quickly provide measurable imagery of tanks that are out of tolerance and changes in the surrounding ground. We can collect the 3D tank data from the ground or from the air or use a combination of both technologies.
The Value of Tank Expertise
Through our specialized expertise in industrial surveying and 3D surveying technologies, we are well equipped to empower tank farm managers to become virtual surveyors from their own desks.
Using advanced tank scanning techniques, our surveyors deploy both laser technology and aerial drones to gather accurate, repeatable data at tank farms from safe distances. We then process this information into the client's preferred format, whether that's AutoCAD, 3D surface meshes, or customized deliverables. The scans can be repeated over time to accurately visualize and measure subsidence to assure action before failures occur.
Our 3D surveys can be accurate to within millimeters. Our surveying data helps increase safety because we can survey from a distance, eliminating the need to place people and equipment in dangerous situations such as tank subsidence or potential tank failure sites.
Darling Geomatics offers specialized mine surveying services with state of the art technology that saves our customers money and time. Call us today at (520) 298-2725 to speak to one of our specialists.