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3D Structural Assessment of Plant Before Modifications

3D as-built model of a parking garage during construction

3D as-built model of a parking garage during construction

Do you know if your facility meets structural integrity standards before you invest in renovations or modifications? 3D scanning for manufacturing delivers accurate as-built models to assist in project planning and assessment.

Safe, fast and accurate 3D as-built models can be used to detect structural deficiencies and design solutions to reduce risk and liability on the front end of a building modification project.

Benefits of 3D structural assessments:

LEARN MORE ABOUT 3D SCANNING 3D as-built model of a parking garage during construction 3D as-built of building showing uneven topography and subsidence at footers (green contours lower in elevation).

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Seen enough? Let’s get started.

Increase your accuracy. Increase safety. Save money. 3D is a game changer.

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